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Whistleblower Channel


IRB Barcelona is fully committed to compliance with legal, internal and ethical standards, and also with the principles of integrity, honesty, impartiality and justice. Such commitment guides its actions under the principles of good practices, ethics and good governance.

These principles are also assumed by all the members of IRB Barcelona so that both they and third parties that interact with IRB Barcelona perceive that their activities will always be opposed to any form of fraud, corruption or conflict of interest.

To promote a culture of compliance, IRB Barcelona has a Code of Conduct and an Anti-fraud Measures Plan, which includes an​​​​​​​ Institutional Declaration and several internal policies, regulations and procedures.

Among the measures established in the Anti-fraud Measures Plan is the creation of a Whistleblower Channel, which is regulated in the​​​​​​​ Whistleblower Channel Policy. The Whistleblower Channel is a user-friendly internal channel through which to send complaints regarding behaviours that potentially breach the law or the internal policies, regulations and procedures of IRB Barcelona. This channel can be used (anonymously or not) by employees and third parties (such as suppliers), and it guarantees the confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers and others involved against retaliation. The rights of those reported through the channel are also respected.

To use the Whistleblower Channel, you should fill in this form or send an email to

A complaint can also be submitted through external channels to the Antifraud Office of Catalonia ( and the European Anti-Fraud Office (

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